
Engaging Website


Engaging Website


Here Are 15 Must Dos for Creating an Engaging Web Design

  • Keep the Design Simple
  • Your website design must be a simple concept. This means that the users should get your brand message instantly by taking a quick look at your website
  • Ensure Quick And Easy Navigational Features
  • Your visitors should not be wasting their time on finding out the navigational buttons. If they have to spend more time on getting information from different pages, then redesign your navigational features.
  • Make Call To Action Clean And Clear
  • Call to action buttons are important as they invite users to take a buying decision or any other action that you want. For example, your call to action may be about asking users to buy products or, asking to sign up for your email newsletter.
  • Keep The Content In The Limit
  • People do not like to visit a website mostly if they have to go through a lot of text-based content. They look for visual elements that can educate them on an issue. So, your web pages should have a good mix of visual and text content.
  • Make Good Use Of White Space
  • Whitespace is a crucial design element for creating aesthetically beautiful websites. In this method, an experienced designer lets a lot of space remain empty on web pages. This space contains no text and image. An intention behind it is to ensure better readability of text. White space is also a good way to relieve the eyes of the stress when reading a web page. With a lot of space left blank, users can quickly scan the information through the page. This helps in retaining the users on the website and reduces bounce rate.
  • Use Colors Wisely
  • Make sure that your website has the right colors that catch the eyes of users. But the colors should be strategically picked to convey your company’s brand message. There will be many interface elements and important buttons on your website. Pick contrasting colors for them to catch the users’ attention. Choosing the right color palette is important.
  • Use Clean Fonts
  • Use a typeface that is clean and helps in reading the information. Such a typeface should be visually balanced and unique. This will help in reading website text clearly. Find out which fonts are trending and see if they are matched with your brand personality. But do not forget to find out fonts that your client is already using in business card design and other materials to ensure brand consistency.
  • Incorporate Images And Videos
  • Another useful feature of an engaging website design is that it has relevant images and videos. These two visual elements are, today, the most sought-after to keep visitors busy with a website. It also helps in reducing the bounce rate. But make sure that there is a good mix of text and visual content. Both of them should complement each other. In many cases, there has been a 100 percent increase in a website’s unique users.
  • Make It A Responsive Website
  • A majority of web searches are made on Smartphones. So, chances are that most of your target customers are looking for your products or services using mobile devices. This means that your website design should be responsive to the small mobile phone screens. Your mobile app design should be such that it helps users search your business conveniently.
  • Use Section Headers
  • If there are content-heavy areas on your website pages, it becomes boring and less encouraging for users and they leave the page. So it is advisable to break such content. You can put content with headers, which will give your content a structure.
  • Talk In A Friendly Tone
  • Some websites speak in a formal and technical language. When visitors find such terminology, they immediately leave such website and migrate to the friendlier site of competitors. To engage your visitors, speak in a friendly tone. Write your web pages in a conversational tone just like you speak to your friends.
  • Display A Confirmation Screen
  • When your visitors make a purchase from your website or they subscribe to your newsletter, they should be able to confirm the deal. So, display some kind of a confirmation screen that gives thanks to the visitors for making the purpose or taking the call to action. Or, simply tell that their action was successful. Just after a visitor has signed up for your newsletter, put up a screen that congratulates and welcome for using the service.
  • Test Your Website
  • To find out if your website design inspiration is good enough to engage your visitors, test it thoroughly. Mostly, there are some errors that go unnoticed in website designs. You find out them only when you put your website design to some rigorous tests. Take the time to test your website to find out the kinks. Then, work out those errors before launching the site.
  • Do a Quality Assurance Test
  • There are professional quality assurance test people whom you should hire to test every aspects of your website. But if your small business cannot hire them, let your in-house team do the testing by clicking all links to find out if there are bugs. Many of these issues can be fixed by your own people in the company.
  • Pay Attention To User Feedback
  • Making sure that your website design continues to engage visitors, pay attention to what they have to say about your website and services. Create some features and space on your site where people can give their feedbacks and share their customer experiences. Your beta testers can be useful in this regard. You can ask a select group of people to provide you with their feedbacks regarding your navigational features, customer experience, and design. Keep those suggestions in mind, though it is not necessary to follow them always.

    So, these are the key points to consider when you want to create an engaging website design. It would be advisable to hire a trained website designer so that you get a customized site as per your specific graphic design services needs. But if you find such a designer expensive for your startup, a better option is to crowd source the work to Design hill...

When creating an engaging web design, ensure that it conveys

  • Your Business Message
  • Brand Personality
  • Brand Colors
  • Fonts
  • Other Elements Precisely.
  • Use Of White Space
  • Videos, and Images
  • Help Engage visitors with the site.

GSE does all of them to make sure you have a creative engaging website. Also, it gives you an error free exposure of your website. Our clients are highly satisfied with our websites. GSE makes sure everything is in accordance with the consumer demand. It doesn't compromise on quality of the web.



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